Business Law        International Law        Customs and Trade        Business Litigation


Business law is the legal framework that encompasses rules and regulations that govern commercial relationships and impact how companies are conducted and managed.

We advise businesses, ranging from startups to thriving enterprises, on international, federal, state, and local business law.

We assist our clients integrate foreign and domestic regulations into their global business strategy.

Specifically, we assist foreign companies understand and navigate the U.S. corporate compliance landscape by "domesticating" U.S. regulations and by weighing how these requirements affect businesses' long-term decisions and day-to-day operations.

We also counsel our U.S. clients with domestic and foreign compliance requirements that affect how they conduct their businesses in areas such as business registration, certification, product approval, developing compliance handbooks, and best practices guides.

We have prior experience advising companies in and/or with regard to the following:

Corporate LLC formation and maintenance
Business planning
Business contracts
Business leases
Business sales & purchases
Commercial negotiations
Distribution agreements
Partnership agreements
Agency agreements
Customs Detentions



Our Vision

To build Wickauer International into a major force in the global legal marketplace.

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